VC 14601.1(a) Driving on a Suspended License. The majority of people convicted of a DUI offense in California
will have to suffer a California Driver’s License Suspension. After said
suspension, a person may very well still drive and ignore the license
suspension law. If caught, a ticket will be issued for violation of California
Vehicle Code 14601.1(a). This is essentially a traffic ticket that can be
charged as a misdemeanor or an infraction. If it is charged as an infraction,
the court hearing will be held in Traffic Court. However, if the case is
charged as a misdemeanor the case will be prosecuted by the District Attorney
in Criminal Court. To add, this violation usually will add 2 points to
your DMV record.
In California it is illegal to drive with your blood alcohol content being over at .08% or higher. *Remember the BAC for commercial vehicle drivers and under age drivers is much less. For the former it's .04% and for the latter it's .01%. Please reference the table below to provide an estimate for you to learn more about how many drinks you can legally have before driving in California. *Chart is provided by the California Driver’s Safety Office of the DMV.
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